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List of Projects

Sentence Reordering for Statistical and Neural Machine Translation

The project aims to try various approaches that include cross value calculation, statistical measures and more to reorder the source sentence according to the structure of target sentence and figure out how this prior reordering would affect machine translation process. We found that Neural Machine Translation gave better results after cross value calculations.

Schutzenberg’s Theorem of Aperiodic monoids and Star-free languages

We consider a monoid morphism corresponding to an aperiodic monoid and study why and how any language describable by an aperiodic monoid can be described via star-free regular expressions. We prove the Schutzenberg's theorem using the method of induction and the concept of ideals.

Shorter Tours by Nicer Ears

I studied how a special kind of ear decomposition of the graph called 'nice ear decomposition' is used to achieve the approximation ratios of 3/2 for the Connected-T-join problem, 7/5 for the Graphic TSP problem and 4/3 for the 2-Edge-Connected Spanning Subgraph (2ECSS) problem.

Welfare Theorems for Algorithm Design

The work of approximating Fisher markets to a nearby Fisher market that admits integral Fisher equilibria has been done by performing some small perturbations in the budgets of the buyers. This project tries to extend this result to the Exchange Economies and Walrasian equilibria.

Nature Inspired Algorithms

The project aims to study Nature Inspired Algorithms and their use in solving the Travelling Salesman Problem. My report explains how Particle Swarm Optimization is an efficient way to solve the problem and includes the implementation in JAVA.

Development of Software for Online Tendering System 

A software was developed for automating and managing Online Tendering Process of IIIT Jabalpur. Laravel was used as the framework for Coding. I was the team leader of this project.

IOT Based Garbage Monitoring System

To extend a supporting hand for Clean India, We developed an Internet of Things based Garbage Monitoring System. Technologies like OpenGL and GLUT were used for the Graphics interface and Aurdino Microcontroller Programming was used to program IR Sensor. I functioned as the team leader of this project.

Development of Wholesale Management System

We developed a Database Management system for Wholesale Organization with MySQL, PHP, HTML, CSS, Javascript. I functioned as the team leader of this project.

Simulation and comparison of Queue Scheduling Algorithms

We used ns2 to implement scheduling algorithms like TCP RED, D/D/1 and Round Robin.

© 2024 by Sreedurga Gogulapati

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