Sreedurga Gogulapati
DeepMind Academic Fellow,
Office 4.38 (5), School of Informatics,
University of Edinburgh

I am a researcher in artificial intelligence presently serving as a DeepMind Academic Fellow at the University of Edinburgh. In my previous role, I was a Prime Minister Research Fellow (Direct PhD student) at the Indian Institute of Science. Successfully defending my PhD thesis, titled `\textit{Exploring Welfare Maximization and Fairness in Participatory Budgeting}', I delved into the challenges of preference aggregation for budget allocation and proposed various algorithms and axioms in that context.
My expertise lies at the intersection of computer science and economics. Specifically, my research focuses on computational social choice, game theory, and algorithm design. I am also deeply intrigued by the potential applications of deep learning within game theoretic frameworks.
Job Experience
DeepMind Academic Fellow
November 2023 - present
School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh
Other Research and Teaching Experience
Visiting Faculty, DSU Bangalore
January-June 2023
Course on Algorithmic Game Theory and its Applications
Visiting Faculty, DSU Bangalore
April-May 2022
Workshop on Research Writing for B.Tech. students.
Visiting Faculty, DSU Bangalore
Nov 2021
Workshop on Basics of Game Theory for B.Tech. students.
Teaching Assistant, IISc Bangalore
Feb 2021 - Jun 2021
E0-251 Data Structures and Algorithms course offered by Dept. of CSA, IISc Bangalore.
E1-254 Game Theory and Mechanism Design course offered by Dept. of CSA, IISc Bangalore.
Visiting Faculty, DSU Bangalore
Feb 2021
Workshop on Algorithmic Game Theory for B.Tech. and M.Tech. students.
Teaching Assistant, IISc Bangalore
Jan 2020 - Jun 2020
E1-254 Game Theory and Mechanism Design course offered by Dept. of CSA, IISc Bangalore.
Speaker, MSRIT
Jan 2020
Gave a lecture and tutorials in the Faculty Development Program (FDP) on the "Applications of Optimization Techniques and Number Theory in Engineering Sciences" for the faculty of various institutes in Karnataka.
Speaker, ICTS - TIFR
May 2019
Taught a course on 'Game Theory and Mechanism Design' in the ICTS workshop on Dynamics of Complex Systems.
Research Intern, IIIT Hyderabad
Jun - Nov 2017
Worked in Natural Language Processing (NLP) under Dr. Manish Shrivastava on Sentence Reordering for Statistical and Neural Machine Translation.
Technical Skills
C, Java, Python
MySQL, Oracle and Microsoft Databases
Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore CGPA 8.2
Aug 2018 - July 2023
Direct Ph.D from Department of Computer Science and Automation
Indian Institute of Information Technology, Jabalpur CGPA 9.2
Aug 2014 - Jun 2018
B.Tech. (Gold Medalist) in Computer Science and Engineering
FIITJEE, Vijayawada 96.6%
Jun 2012 - Mar 2014
Class 12th
Nalanda Vidya Nikethan, Vijayawada CGPA 9.8
May 2011 - May 2012
Class 10th
Some Courses
Stochastic Models and Applications
Linear Algebra
Game Theory and Mechanism Design
Design and Analysis of Algorithms
Approximation Algorithms
Discrete Mathematics
Computational Complexity Theory
Machine Learning
Roles and Achievements
Reviewer - IJCAI 2024, AAMAS 2023, WINE 2020, WINE 2021, SOSA 2023
Best Poster Award at ACM Summer School on Algorithmic Game Theory at IITGN, 2019
Prime Minister Research Fellow
B.Tech. (Gold Medalist) - topper of all branches
Selected as Indian delegate in Indo-Japanese exchange program, JENESYS 2016
Selected for Merit Scholarship for Academic Excellence by Govt. of India in the years 2015,16,17 and 18.
AIR 13 in NCAT Olympiad, 2015
One among the top 5 ranks in the city and district in 12th board exams, 2014
Second in the state in 10th Board exams, 2012
Gold Medal (Presentation and Communication) and Bronze Medal (Leadership and Social Skills) in AP Eduranet Olympiad, 2012
Gold Medal (Presentation and Communication) and Silver Medal (Analytical and Problem solving) in AP Eduranet Olympiad, 2011
Diploma in Light Music from Telugu University with distinction (83%)
Co-ordinator of Music club (Aug 2016-17) , IIITDMJ
Poetry writing
Volunteer and Teacher at Jagriti Organisation (2014-18)
Assistant Coordinator (2016-17) and Student Guide (2015-16) in counselling committee, IIITDMJ